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Please read the instructions carefully before sending us your writing. 


Submit fiction (short stories and novellas) or poetry by emailing with the title of your piece and your name in the subject line. In the body of your email, please include 

  • a short author biography (no more than one paragraph)

  • your full name and contact details (including your address and phone number)


If you would like your writing to be published anonymously, please explicitly mention that in the body of your email and we will refrain from publishing the piece with your name. However, we require that you supply your complete contact information to us as mentioned above, nevertheless.


Entries must be sent in a word document or a PDF in Times New Roman size 12 font. Please ensure that all pages are numbered and that the title and the author's name appear on each page. We will not be able to accept submissions that do not adhere to these formatting guidelines.


If we have reason to believe that your writing has been plagiarised or breaches the terms below, then we may choose not to publish this on our platform.


Our primary requirement is that your writing must have been rejected from other magazines/journals/competitions. We trust you on this, but for the purpose of encouraging our audience, you can choose to let us know how many times a piece of writing has been rejected before you decided to send it to us. Please include this information in the body of your email.


Your submission must not have been published before (online or otherwise) on any website or in any other publication, magazine or personal blog.


Your submission must not include any third-party content or other material that you do not have permission to use. Submissions that include promotional and/or trademarked content will not be considered for publication.


Your submission must not endorse inappropriate, violent or dangerous behaviour, or include content that is in any way vulgar, obscene, offensive, inflammatory, defamatory. Submissions must not breach any applicable laws or regulations, or be in breach of any third-party confidentiality obligations.


By sending us your submission, you agree that you have read the terms above and therefore grant this website permission to publish your work (in part and/or in whole) within this website and its affiliated social media pages to promote your work. Copyright remains with you, the author.


The decision to publish is solely that of the editors. 


If you have any questions, please email us at

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